Action Revolver
What is it?
Action Revolver started at Headley Park following the demand by members who still enjoy shooting centrefire revolvers following the handgun ban of 1997, in the form of Long Barreled Revolvers held on your Firearm Certificate as Section One Firearms.

If you remember and enjoyed Police or Service Pistol then this discipline is for you. Typically we present the gun from the holster, don’t worry if you don’t have one, we can lend you one and teach you how to draw and reload safely to NRA standards.

We welcome anyone interested in pursuing the safe and challenging use of a handgun and will offer tuition from some of the best in the UK. We are lucky at Headley Park to have several NRA and UKPSA Grand Masters who are more than willing to offer instruction for free!
Typically we follow the disciplines available from the National Rifle Association
( ).
Therefore the practice and matches at Headley will alternate subject to what you the shooter require.

When is it?
We run several practice sessions and matches per month on any of the 3 full-bore ranges.
We also encourage our members to compete at National and International level, mainly at Bisley. Any Member with a valid NRA approved Competency Card is welcome to join us.
But please check the calendar for dates and contact the Shoot Captain for regular updates.

We aim to start at around 12pm, sometimes slightly later depending on how long it takes us to set up the targets and courses of fire.
We finish when we have run out of ammunition!

What kind of revolver, ammunition & equipment can I use ?
Typically, you will use your own LBR with a 12” minimum barrel length. As these are not club guns you will need the authority on your own FAC.
Any CIP approved ammunition or personal reloads are suitable, however for “comfort” reasons we prefer non-magnum loads.
A strong belt, suitable holster, speedloaders and pouches are a great way to get the most out of our sport, we have these available to borrow for free, just let the shoot Captain know.
What does it cost?
Free for all members of the club.
If you need any more information regarding action revolver shooting at HPR&PC, please
contact the shoot captain by email
Shooting dates for 2023
Please see the club calendar for shooting dates
If you want to be added to a news feed group to receive information on latest practice dates etc., please
contact the shoot captain by email
Further reading - The NRA Handgun League
What is it ?
The NRA has supported this type of shooting for many years by providing a greater range of competitions at Bisley as well as running a national league to support the sport across the country and encourage grass roots participation. The NRA handgun League is the largest of its type in the UK and entry to its matches is open to all, not just NRA members.
The competitions are always different and comprise of a number of stages where the competitors are faced with a different shooting challenge at each and the winner is the person that can shoot all the targets in the shortest time.
Given the diverse nature of the discipline you will find examples of all types of long barrelled pistols and revolvers with various sighting systems and ancillary equipment in use. Various different sighting systems are also used and while many competitors use a red dot or telescopic sight for the the majority stay with conventional iron sights.
There are 3 divisions ( classes ) to shoot in :
- Long Barrelled Pistol (LBP) Open - this is any .22 LBP with any sights, the holster and ancillary equipment may be worn in any position on the belt.
- Long Barrelled Pistol (LBP) Standard - this is any .22 LBP that is not fitted with optical or electronic/red-dot sights. The holster and ancillary equipment must be worn on the belt behind the hip.
- Long Barrelled Revolver (LBR)Open - this is any centre-fire revolver of greater than .355 calibre with any sights, the holster and ancillary equipment may be worn in any position on the belt.
These fast growing events require not only marksmanship, but thought, movement, and complete familiarity with the gun and ammunition. Each competitor shoots each stage against the clock under the close supervision of a range officer who wields an electronic timer which picks up the sound of the shots. The shooter with the quickest time usually wins that stage, provided that they have hit all the targets. No two matches are ever the same – steel targets will fall when hit and the highest 2 hits per paper target are scored. . Moving targets are also used where the club has the facilities and you can be faced with anywhere from 1 to 30 targets at ranges from 5 to 50 metres!
How to get involved
Getting into any of the shooting sports can be hurdle however the league is open to any member of a home office approved club with the relevant firearm on their licence, ( remember that you can’t borrow an LBP or LBR).
You can enter any of the NRA events at Bisley, and no you don’t need to be a member, or any of the NRA Handgun League matches across the country. With clubs hosting matches across the country on a regular basis you are sure to find somewhere to suit you. If you have trouble finding a club please contact the league director for more information.