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Limits for Shotguns

Please read this note on limits for shotguns when shooting at HPR&PC.

Notification of insurance limitations

All members please take note that it has come to our attention through investigations done by Bookham Rifle Club that the club's NSRA insurance does not cover solo range users. For the club's insurance to be effective there must be at least two members present on the range.

If you want to shoot alone you are still welcome to do so BUT you must have your own 3rd party insurance in place. Obviously the risks you take by shooting alone at Headley Park will remain unchanged – if you injure yourself your chances of getting help are very slim – mobile coverage in the area is very poor and it is very likely that you might die given the seriousness of most gunshot wounds. If you are happy to accept this and the other risks associated with solo shooting and have your own insurance cover, the club is very happy for you to continue to shoot on your own.

Self-declaration requirement for home loaders

If you home load ammunition, you will be required to sign a declaration form at your next membership renewal (or earlier if you are joining/have just joined our club).

We are introducing this requirement to comply with conditions placed on us by our insurers. Please see the NSRA Code of Practice for Handloading Firearms Ammunition for more information.