Secretaries Page

COVID19 update 28th March 2021     (previous updates)

Dear members,

As I am sure most of you will be aware we will be allowed to start shooting again from the 29th March 2021. Again this will not be shooting as you know it. The last set of NSRA guidance documents were only published a few days ago and again we are obliged to follow this guidance.

All of the Covid phase one restarting rules issued last year will continue to apply. The booking system will continue to be used and you may only shoot if you have booked a date and time on this system and agree to obey the clubs Covid rules. 2m social distancing must still be observed and no socialising can take place. You are expected to turn up shoot and depart without hanging around. Asymptomatic Covid infections that account for 1 in every 3 Covid cases remain I believe our biggest risk. You might be fine but please behave as though you were carrying the virus. It would seem that small particle airborne infection (the aerosol type) could be a major source of infection to a greater extent than was previously thought – please keep your distance. If you do not feel well do not come shooting. Should you test positive for C19 following a visit to the range you must inform me without delay so that track and trace can be instigated.

Martin and I have updated the club risk assessment and now each discipline captain will now carry out their own shoot specific additional assessment to sit on top of this to determine if they can deliver safe club shoots. A newsletter will be coming out to all of you shortly by email and will give greater detail and a reminder of the booking codes that you need to use.

Hon. Secretary Headley Park Rifle and Pistol Club

Contact the club secretary by email

Previous updates

30th December 2020
23rd December 2020
2nd November 2020
25th July 2020
8th July 2020
19th June 2020
14th June 2020
1st June 2020
22nd April 2020